The Golden Age of Hollywood

The Golden Age of Hollywood
"Garbo, Bogart, Bacall, Gable, K. Hepburn, Astaire, Rogers, Brando, The Marx Brothers, Crawford, Wayne, Stewart, Keaton, Colbert, Gene Kelly, Lancaster, Garland, Peck, Taylor, Douglas, Davis, A. Hepburn, Harlow, Hitchcock, Ford, Hawks, Grace Kelly, Olivier, Dietrich, Cagney, Gardner, Grant, Bergman, Fonda, Monroe, Dean, Welles, West, Holden, Loren, Leigh, Cooper and Fontaine, Tracy, Stanwyck, Gish, Power, Temple, Heston, Hayworth, Pickford"

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rehashing Info

Since i've been away so long, i am going to repeat what my weekly blogs are.

 Monday: Star of the Week. I am going to redo everything in a better way!
Thursday: Movie of the Week. This will feature a short summary (with no spoilers!), stars and director and my thoughts on it!
Saturday: My random thoughts on movies in general, including current ones!

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