The Golden Age of Hollywood

The Golden Age of Hollywood
"Garbo, Bogart, Bacall, Gable, K. Hepburn, Astaire, Rogers, Brando, The Marx Brothers, Crawford, Wayne, Stewart, Keaton, Colbert, Gene Kelly, Lancaster, Garland, Peck, Taylor, Douglas, Davis, A. Hepburn, Harlow, Hitchcock, Ford, Hawks, Grace Kelly, Olivier, Dietrich, Cagney, Gardner, Grant, Bergman, Fonda, Monroe, Dean, Welles, West, Holden, Loren, Leigh, Cooper and Fontaine, Tracy, Stanwyck, Gish, Power, Temple, Heston, Hayworth, Pickford"

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Well, well, well! It's been a long time, almost a year to be exact, since i last posted on my blog. The reason was technical difficulties and a broken computer. It's kind of hard to post when computer is dead, kaput....

Well in that time, I've spent the time arranging and perfecting this blog. Yes, i know that i've had previous postings but that's the past. I'm going to start anew and fresh. i look forward to great ideas that everyone has...

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