The Golden Age of Hollywood

The Golden Age of Hollywood
"Garbo, Bogart, Bacall, Gable, K. Hepburn, Astaire, Rogers, Brando, The Marx Brothers, Crawford, Wayne, Stewart, Keaton, Colbert, Gene Kelly, Lancaster, Garland, Peck, Taylor, Douglas, Davis, A. Hepburn, Harlow, Hitchcock, Ford, Hawks, Grace Kelly, Olivier, Dietrich, Cagney, Gardner, Grant, Bergman, Fonda, Monroe, Dean, Welles, West, Holden, Loren, Leigh, Cooper and Fontaine, Tracy, Stanwyck, Gish, Power, Temple, Heston, Hayworth, Pickford"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

daily talks

Every Monday there will be a new Star of the Week with info and my thoughts on that actor/actress/director
Every Thursday i will talk about a classic movie (from my list of movies)
and every Sunday i will be rooting for my team The Dallas Cowboys!!!

Today i checked out 5 movies from my local library:
The Third Man, Some Like It Hot, The Haunting, The Great Escape, and Amelie
I've seen The Third Man and Some Like It Hot but never seen the other three. I am looking forward to watching them if only i didn't have a stupid essay to write. C'est la vie!
FYI i don't have cable, TCM or Netflix so i have to rely on the trusty library or youtube for my movies :(


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