The Golden Age of Hollywood

The Golden Age of Hollywood
"Garbo, Bogart, Bacall, Gable, K. Hepburn, Astaire, Rogers, Brando, The Marx Brothers, Crawford, Wayne, Stewart, Keaton, Colbert, Gene Kelly, Lancaster, Garland, Peck, Taylor, Douglas, Davis, A. Hepburn, Harlow, Hitchcock, Ford, Hawks, Grace Kelly, Olivier, Dietrich, Cagney, Gardner, Grant, Bergman, Fonda, Monroe, Dean, Welles, West, Holden, Loren, Leigh, Cooper and Fontaine, Tracy, Stanwyck, Gish, Power, Temple, Heston, Hayworth, Pickford"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

-no title-

today i felt like watching christmas movies so i watched "The Shop Around The Corner" and "The Bishops Wife" and they were so good. Especially "The Shop Around The Corner". It was so sweet and sad and i teared up at the end when...oh! i don't want to spoil it. If you haven't seen it...SEE IT and laugh and cry.
The Bishops Wife was really good as well. Two outstanding christmas movies although it's not even Halloween. oh well!

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